Charlotte Church And Literature Wales Join Forces To Launch Groundbreaking Young People’s Literature Scheme

Tuesday 18th October saw singer and TV personality Charlotte Church announce the first ever Young People’s Laureate for Wales as novelist Catherine Fisher. The poet and writer is unveiled in a glamorous event at the Literature Lounge, a pop-up literary emporium in the heart of Cardiff.

The event has been organised by Literature Wales, the national company for the development of literature. The Young People’s Laureate is an entirely new post that looks to inspire the young people of Wales to get involved with reading and creative writing. It is not only the first of its kind in Wales; it’s also a first for the whole of the UK.

The writing body is working alongside Welsh personality Charlotte Church on the scheme, herself an ambassador for young people in Wales, and a figure who has achieved significant feats for Welsh music and culture.

On working with Literature Wales on their Young People’s Laureate initiative, Charlotte said “As a mother myself I genuinely believe it’s really important to involve young people in literature as early in life as possible; I’ve been an avid reader since I was a little girl so can say first hand how inspiring it is creatively. The fact that the scheme has been set up by a Welsh body also brings it even closer to home for me!”

Poet and young people’s novelist Catherine Fisher, from Newport, is described by The Sunday Times as “a writer of rare talent”. Her work has captivated young people across the globe and recently appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. Catherine’s novel The Oracle (Hodder Children’s Books, 2003) was shortlisted for the Whitbread Children’s Books prize, and the trilogy has become an international bestseller, printed in over twenty languages. The rights to Catherine’s acclaimed futuristic novel Incarceron (Hodder Children’s Books, 2007) were optioned last year by 20th Century Fox. Taylor Lautner (fresh from the Twilight series) is rumoured to have secured the lead role.

Working with the support of a wide network of writers, the Young People’s Laureate will encourage a love of reading and writing amongst young people. In the face of increasing reports on the worrying literacy levels amongst the young, this project aims to be a positive influence on Wales’ youth.

The award-winning author Philip Pullman was full of praise for the appointment, saying: “The creation of a Young Person’s Laureate for Wales is a really good idea. Literature for (and by) young people is a vital element in the soul of a nation; it’s one of the best ways we have of coming to understand who we are and what we stand for. I welcome this appointment”.

In a shared statement given exclusively to Literature Wales, National Poet of Wales Gillian Clarke and Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy said: “We rejoice at the news that Catherine Fisher has been appointed Wales’, and Britain’s, first Young Person’s Laureate. She is one of the nation’s best writers of stories for young people, and a fine poet. Like all great books for the young, her stories are loved by readers of all ages. We look forward to sharing a common vision – to celebrate books, to spread the word, to get our nation writing and reading.”

Nick Capaldi, Chief Executive, Arts Council of Wales said:  “Throughout my life reading has been a constant source of inspiration, enlightenment and joy.  Young people are instinctively curious about the real and imagined worlds around them.

Literature has a unique ability to illuminate our understanding of the society we live in, and it offers us that most subversive of things – pleasure.  This is an exciting and valuable initiative and it comes at a time when good news and optimism, particularly where children and young people are concerned, has never been more important.”

Literature Wales’ Acting Chief Executive, Lleucu Siencyn, says: “Encouraging young people to become immersed in literature, is something Literature Wales has wanted to promote since its inception. Catherine is an incredibly exciting writer who has captured the imagination of her readers. I know she’s a perfect anchor for this campaign and will achieve great results.”

Catherine Fisher will make her first official appearance at the Young People’s Literature Festival at Theatr Soar Merthyr, this Thursday 20 October, alongside Huw Lewis AM, Eurig Salisbury, Mike Jenkins and many more.

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