Childcare and Good Pay At The Heart Of Plaid Cymru Strategy

Jocelyn DaviesGood, affordable access to childcare and good pay are the foundation blocks to a prosperous economy. That was the message of Plaid Cymru AMs as they outlined the party’s strategy to overcome the barriers that people face in accessing employment.

Underemployment and low earnings are a real barrier to quality work, said Plaid Cymru AMs, who cited that underemployment is far too high at 10.3%, while long-term youth unemployment has soared by 500% under the current Welsh Government.

The Party of Wales spokesperson on Children and Women Jocelyn Davies said that better access to childcare would help more women to work and to work in the higher-paid, more skilled jobs that they currently find themselves excluded from. She said that it would also improve the educational and aspirational attainment of children.

The Party of Wales spokesperson on Children and Women Jocelyn Davies said:

“There is no easy solution that will overcome the barriers to employment that people in Wales face. Barriers can be both internal and external, both personal and structural. Each barrier rarely exists in isolation but rather, they intersect and reinforce each other, making tackling any problem even more of a challenge.

“But it is vital that we rise to that challenge.

“We cannot easily change the minds of unethical employers who discriminate against women with young children when hiring. But we can ensure that affordable and accessible childcare is available to help families, and particularly mothers, to balance work with home life.

“Plaid Cymru has launched a consultation on how it will invest in early years education in order to give each child an equal start in life. Plaid Cymru knows that investing in good quality early years education is the best way to improve Wales’ economic fortunes. If we can get it right, we can equalise a child’s life chances, and help parents get back to work and make the economic contribution they want to make.

“It is true that there are barriers that stop individuals for gaining employment and progressing their careers. But Plaid Cymru will keep putting forward our proposals to scale these barriers.”

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