Children’s voluntary sector organisations set to gain from £8.8m in funding

Voluntary sector organisations working with children and families are set to benefit from £8.8m in funding from the Welsh Government.

The Deputy Minister for Children and Social Service, Gwenda Thomas, has announced that 34 organisation across Wales will benefit from the funding over the next two years.

The Children and Families Organisations Grant (CFOG) provides core funding for all-Wales voluntary organisations providing services that contribute to the delivery of the policies of the Welsh Government for children, young people and their families. Its aim is to develop the capacities of eligible voluntary organisations that help the Welsh Government to achieve its objectives of creating a more inclusive society with equality of opportunities for all children.

Gwenda Thomas said:

“The Welsh Government is committed to continuing its support of the voluntary sector despite the very tight monetary climate we find ourselves in.

“At a time of restricted public spending, we must focus our resources on funding organisations that put the wellbeing of our children and young people at the core of their decision-making.”

The funding was awarded on the basis that the applicants must be third sector organisations or part of a collaboration of third sector organisations that support children and their families. The successful applicants needed to demonstrate that their services offer value for money, contribute to the objectives and priorities of the Welsh Government and that they operate on an all-Wales basis.


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