Christmas anti Drink Drive campaign update

DDVanSIDEA campaign to crackdown on drink driving over the Christmas period has seen almost 6,000 breath tests being administered in North Wales in the first two weeks.

So far, 5,958 people have been breath tested as part of the All Wales Anti Drink Drive campaign that begun on Tuesday, 1st December.

In the first two weeks of the month-long campaign, 55 arrests have been made after drivers failed breath tests in roadside stop checks.

Superintendent Simon Shaw from North Wales Police’s Roads Policing Unit said: “We announced at the start of the Wales Christmas Drink Drive Campaign that we would be out and about, in force, targeting drink drivers/riders.

“Despite that warning, in the first two weeks of the campaign, 55 motorists have been arrested in north Wales following a road side breath test. If convicted each will be disqualified from driving for at least 12 months, face a heavy fine and many could lose their jobs. Drink drivers are a danger to themselves, their passengers and other road users. The campaign will continue, please heed the warning.”

Supporting this year’s campaign is Lynne Foulkes, whose son David, was killed in a road traffic collision on Glynne Way in Hawarden back in August. David was a passenger in the vehicle that was being driven by a man who was three times over the drink drive limit. Last month, the driver was sentenced to six years and banned from driving for eight years.

Lynne said: “We all miss David more than anything. It’s hard getting up every day because you think you are in some sort of nightmare.

“I fully support the campaign which involves random breath testing. People don’t realise the dangers – especially the morning after a night of drinking alcohol.

“The collision could have been avoided with a little bit of thought. You cannot trust your instincts with drink. Everybody should go out and enjoy Christmas but make alternative arrangements to get home.

“I should be giving David his presents on Christmas Day, not a prayer and a bunch of flowers.”

A football match in David’s memory was recently held which raised £1,200 for the charity CADD (Campaign against Drinking and Driving). The charity offer support for families affected by road tragedies.

Lynne added: “There’s nothing I can do to help bring David back, but hopefully the police campaign will help people realise the dangers of drinking and driving. I’m also pleased that we’ve raised this cash for CADD and hope it brings comfort to people who are going through the same nightmare as we are.”

If you know of someone who regularly drinks and drives, or if you suspect someone who is behind the wheel whilst under the influence of alcohol, contact North Wales Police on 101, or 0845 607 1001 (Welsh line) or 0845 607 1002 (English line).

Alternatively send a text message to 66767 or email –

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