Christmas comes early for Barry with announcement of £3.86 million for regeneration projects

A £1million scheme to regenerate Thompson St in Barry town centre is among 16 regeneration projects to receive total funding of £3.86 million of funding from the Welsh Assembly Government’s Barry Regeneration Area Programme.

The applications were approved at a meeting of the Regeneration Area board last week.

Other projects to receive approval include the renovation of Barry and Holm View Leisure Centres; refurbishing the twelve community centres in the town that are run by volunteers; and improving the playgrounds at Iolo, Basset and Porthkerry parks. There are also plans to replace and upgrade CCTV in the Baruc and Buttrills wards and at the Vale Enterprise Park.

The majority of the projects in this round of funding were proposed by the Vale of Glamorgan Council, however one application for funding to purchase land which can be used for affordable housing from Newydd Housing Association was also approved.

The Regeneration Board also discussed several other proposals which may result in projects once further detail is received.

Announcing the funding, Deputy Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Jocelyn Davies AM, said: “This is great news for the people of Barry and proof that the Regeneration Area Programme is already making a real difference to the town. Many of the projects will be completed this financial year so the improvements to the town will become apparent very quickly. “

“The board has approved a very wide range of projects that will help people both young and old, families, community groups and businesses right across the regeneration area as well improving the appearance of important areas of Barry which will help to attract visitors as well as improving the town for its residents.”

Cllr Rhodri Traherne, Vale Council cabinet member for economic development and regeneration, said: “I’m pleased to see the programme taking shape so quickly. These projects will be a great boost to the town and local people. Barry is a major town, well placed in the ‘hub’ of Wales, with excellent transport links – it has great potential which the council is keen to develop and this funding from WAG is will help us drive forward the regeneration of the area.”

Funding has been allocated to the following projects:

  • Project Funding awarded
  • Barry Leisure Centre    £300,000
  • Barry Gateway Approaches – Waycock Road £54,450
  • Barry Community Centres refurbishment   £162,100
  • Iolo Park Improvements  £204,490
  • Basset Park Improvements        £400,000
  • Porthkerry Country Park Improvements    £95,227
  • Holm View Leisure Centre        £100,000
  • Converting Workshops to Office Space, BSC Innovation Quarter    £98,000
  • Workshop Improvements Vale Enterprise Centre    £28,648
  • Refurbish facility at Barry Fire Station to provide a community training facility and support for training activities   £37,650   Replace and upgrade CCTV in Buttrills and Baruc wards   £160,000
  • Thompson Street Public Realm Improvements       £1,084,092
  • Cadoxton House Ground Source Heat Pump  £75,885
  • Complete Northern Part of the Innovation Quarter        £677,177
  • Acquisition and Refurbishment of Castleland Renewal Area Office, Holton Road    £162,500
  • Affordable Housing Development, Merthyr Street  £220,000

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