Christmas comes early for Workways clients

Christmas came early for scores of people in Neath Port Talbot who have secured jobs thanks to the Council led Workways project.

In November, the Workways team helped 50 people back into work.

Led by Neath Port Talbot Council in partnership with Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire councils and the City and County of Swansea Council, the South West Workways regional project, backed with almost £17 million from the European Social Fund through the Welsh Assembly Government provides business and employment support across the county borough.

More than half of the 50 successful clients had previously been unemployed for more than two years. The remainder of clients were under 25 and had little or no work experience at all.

For Workways most recent success story, Port Talbot new father Lyndon Ellis, Christmas really did come early after securing a job with the support of Workways team.

Lyndon had been out of work for almost two years after a temporary contract at the steelworks came to an end. After a period of support from his Mentor, Lyndon was matched with Port Talbot company First Corporate Clothing.

Lyndon said: “I was having no luck finding a job before having help from Workways. I was able to learn a number of new skills at First Corporate and am now able to operate the embroidery and digitising machines to produce a range of clothing. We have had a recent addition to the family so obviously having a regular income this time of year means we can have a really good Christmas.”

Neath Port Talbot Council leader Ali Thomas said people are recommended to Workways from a range of partners and staff are able to provide a tailored support package to cater for individual needs.

He said: “With the help of a dedicated Mentor, individuals can overcome their barriers to employment and Workways staff are able to call on additional support from specialist organisations.

“Apart from seasonal vacancies this time of year is generally a quiet time for recruitment, but through the project’s close links with local employers and Jobcentre “Plus, many Workways participants have had the opportunity to secure sustainable jobs with a wide range of local organisations.

“Over the last 12 months Workways staff have engaged with over 1300 individuals and to date 459 participants have moved into employment.”

Councillor Thomas added that he is delighted to hear that the Workways project has helped spread some Christmas cheer.

He said: “It is always good news when I hear of local people getting jobs through Workways, and it is particularly so at this special time of the year.

“The project team are doing a first class job in helping to improve individuals’ circumstances and at the same time are providing an excellent service for employers.”


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