Churches close to celebrate Christmas

Newtown Churches will close this Sunday – and relocate to the local branch of Tesco.  Last minute Christmas shoppers may be surprised to see a Christmas Carol Service taking place in the foyer of the town’s newest supermarket.

The Revd Andy Grimwood, Vicar, said, “We wanted to take church out into the community, instead of expecting people to come to us.  Our choir normally sings carols in the town centre but no-one has been there to listen to them.  So, we asked, where can we go?  People seem to be going to Tesco, we thought, but then we realised that was normally on a Sunday morning when we were in church.  So, we’re going to sing carols there, too, and cancelling all our Sunday services.”

Members of the Anglican churches in Newtown will be singing carols at Tesco from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Sunday 19 December, weather permitting.  And there will be no collection taken!


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