Cities unite at ambassadors breakfast

Cardiff and Bristol Councils have outlined how they can work together to promote strategic and economic success for both city regions at a special Ambassadors Breakfast.

Taking place at The Vale Resort, Hensol Park, the event outlined the benefits of high speed rail to both Bristol and Cardiff but also how both Councils are now forging closer working arrangements, looking at collaboration on areas such as the Severn Barrage and wider economic development issues.

The cities are part of the Great Western Partnership (GWP) which is promoting the economic and environmental benefits of establishing a HSR line linking London to the south west of England and south Wales.

HSR would reduce the journey time from London to Cardiff to around 70 minutes, with trains travelling at more than 150 mph.

Councillor Rodney Berman said: “Traditionally Cardiff has concentrated on working with other Welsh councils but here we have two of the most successful UK cities in close proximity and we have never really seriously looked at working closely together before.

“As near neighbours, Cardiff and Bristol share many of the same strategic and economic challenges. I believe that our response to those challenges will be much stronger if we work together in facing them, which is why I am keen to increase our collaboration on a wide range of issues.

He added: “There will always be areas where Bristol and Cardiff are in competition but we recognise that we can achieve more by working together for mutual benefit.”

Attending the event were key members of the business community, with speakers including Professor Stuart Cole, Professor of Transport at the University of Glamorgan as well as Cardiff Council leader Rodney Berman and Bristol Council leader, Councillor Barbara Janke.

Bristol City Council Leader Barbara Janke said: “Making the case for high speed rail in the West and Wales is clear example where it makes sense to be working closely with Cardiff, but there many others such as the Severn Barrage and economic development, where we can make a difference in collaboration.

“As major UK cities Bristol and Cardiff will have a key role in driving the UK economy towards recovery – particularly given our combined strength in the smart industries of the future such as low carbon technologies. I look forward to exploring further areas of cooperation for the benefit of both our cities.”


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