Civic trusts praise regeneration work

Bridgend County Borough Council has been doubly praised for its work to protect and restore an historic part of Bridgend town centre.

The Bridgend Civic Trust and The Civic Trust for Wales have each given the authority a special award in recognition of conservation and restoration work which has taken place in Dunraven Place as part of the Bridgend Townscape Heritage Initiative.

The two trusts promote civic pride as a means to improving the quality of life for all in the places where we live and work, and encourages community action, good design, sustainable development and respect for the built environment amongst people of all ages. Each trust gives awards where they feel this has been done.

Dr Matthew Griffiths, Director of The Civic Trust for Wales and Bridgend Civic Trust Chairman Howard Lewis, presented their awards at the meeting of the full council.

Dr Griffiths said: “This award marks a very special achievement, in which conservation of some fine buildings and streets has paid off in terms of amenity, civic pride, business development and jobs.”

Mr Lewis added: “Bridgend Civic Trust is particularly pleased to present this award to Bridgend County Borough Council for work done in Dunraven Place during recent years”.

Receiving the awards on behalf of the council, Bridgend County Borough Mayor Jefferson Tildesley said: “It’s a pleasure to accept these which acknowledge all the hard work which has gone into regenerating this part of the town centre. We can all see for ourselves the improvements in Dunraven Place but receiving these awards from bodies such as these is a wonderful endorsement.”


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