Clampdown on illegal camping in Gower

Illegal campers on Gower are being targeted as part of a clampdown on antisocial behaviour in the region.

Swansea Council is teaming up with local police, the National Trust and the Countryside Council for Wales to prevent people from pitching tents illegally.

Gower Ranger Huw Lloyd will be part of the team tackling the problem and directing would-be campers on to legal campsites before they put a peg in the ground.

Huw said: “During this time of year thousands of visitors flock to Gower to enjoy what’s on offer. Unfortunately a small minority choose to camp illegally and often leave litter behind.

“We patrol areas including Three Cliffs, Horton and Port Eynon regularly, reminding people that they cannot camp illegally. There are good campsites locally, and we encourage visitors to use them.”

John Hague, Cabinet Member for the Environment in Swansea Council and Chair of the Gower AONB Partnership, said: “We take this problem seriously. A small number of people are causing serious problems for landowners.

“We will be working closely with the police, landowners and bodies like the National Trust, and Countryside Council for Wales in an effort to deal with this problem and maintain Gower as a special place.”

A spokesperson for South Wales Police said: “We will be maintaining our presence in the Gower targeting known problem areas alongside our partners. The local knowledge of the various agencies combined with that of police officers and PCSOs has meant specific targeting of areas where illegal camping has had an impact on residents living nearby. If we can address these issues of anti-social behaviour, we can prevent it deteriorating into more serious public order or criminal activity.”

If you come across illegal camping on Gower please contact the police on 101 or Huw Lloyd on 07917299209.

Further information about Gower AONB is available from website –


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