Cleaner Streets Efforts Paying Dividends in Denbighshire

denbighshireDenbighshire has the cleanest streets in Wales, according to information issued by Keep Wales Tidy.

The organisation carried out surveys of the cleanliness of streets across all Welsh counties and the findings provide a snapshot of problems with litter and other environmental issues.

The survey showed that 100% of the streets surveyed in Denbighshire received a Grade B and above, which showed the streets had a high or acceptable standard of cleanliness. Denbighshire was the only authority to have all of the streets surveyed reach the standard.

The survey also shows that Denbighshire is the only county in Wales that has seen a continuous increase in its cleanliness indicators, rising from 66.7 in 2008/09 to 71.7 in 2012/13 –  the highest in Wales.

The survey also highlighted:

  • Denbighshire had the lowest percentage of graffiti, vandalism and fly-posting in Wales.
  • Denbighshire had amongst the lowest percentage in Wales for pedestrian, business, domestic, construction an animal faeces litter and consistently performs better than the Welsh average,
  • Second lowest percentage of dog fouling in Wales.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “Providing cleaner streets for residents and visitors to Denbighshire is one of the Council’s key priorities and it seems that all the hard work is paying dividends.

“We have teams of staff out and about cleaning our streets, as well as dealing with environmental crimes and we are regularly publicising our initiatives to make out streets cleaner. We are extremely pleased that our campaigns such as our anti dog-fouling initiatives are making progress and that people’s behaviour is changing.

“Street cleanliness is everyone’s responsibility and we must all work together to tackle the issues. Of course, there is never room for complacency and we will continue with our efforts to make Denbighshire streets even cleaner in the future.”

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