Visit Wales has appointed a leading environmental consultancy supported by a team of experts from Aberystwyth, East Anglia and Manchester Universities to understand and report on how the Welsh visitor economy can adapt and develop its offering considering the levels of climate change expected in future.
The purpose of the workshop is to:
- Set out the likely climatic changes and impacts on Wales based on the latest predictions published in June 2009.
- Outline the key findings of the report.
- Discuss the potential opportunities/impact of issues raised on the tourism industry.
- Collect feedback from stakeholders on those issues and for the feedback to feed into the final report.
Who’s it for?
- Tourism trade (individuals and representative bodies);
- Local authority tourism officers
- Activity tourism operators
- Cultural and heritage site managers
- Countryside managers (local authority, National Park Authorities)
Mid Wales – Aberystwyth Welsh Assembly Government Building
Monday, 12 October 11.00 – 16:30
Manon Phillips (Visit Wales); David Frost (ADAS consultancy)
To register for the seminar please send an e-mail to David Frost at: