Coastal recreation masterplan to be unveiled

Plans which could boost coastal recreation at one of Anglesey’s most popular seaside villages will be unveiled on the Saturday (December 11th 2010).

Rhosneigr is renowned for its popularity with windsurfers, kite surfers and surfers from across the UK. The growing popularity of its beaches has, however, led to access problems in and around the village.

The Isle of Anglesey County Council has been keen to work with local residents and businesses on new infrastructure developments in order to reduce the potential conflict. Earlier this year, the Authority commissioned a team of consultants, led by Jon Rowland Urban Design, to prepare a Coastal Recreation Masterplan for Rhosneigr.

The results of consultation undertaken with residents will be revealed at a public exhibition at Rhosneigr Village Hall between 2pm and 4.30pm on Saturday. The exhibition will outline the Masterplan process, as well as the associated challenges and opportunities.

Economic Development and Tourism portfolio holder, Councillor Bob Parry OBE, explained, “Rhosneigr has huge potential in terms of tourism, coastal recreation and water sports, but we must also ensure that local residents and businesses have a voice and play a role in future developments. We must ensure that we get the balance right, which is why we have consulted with local residents and businesses from the start of this process.”

“This exhibition will provide an opportunity for the Masterplan to be presented to the local community and for the Consultants to receive feedback.”

The master planning process began with a drop in session in Rhosneigr in May and a community workshop in June. The public exhibition has now been arranged to enable residents to see the results of their previous comments, suggestions and ideas.

Rhosneigr’s newly elected County Councillor Richard Dew added, “I would encourage local residents to attend the exhibition and make their views known. The Coastal Recreation Masterplan is an important development for Rhosneigr and input from the local community is vital if proposals are to be agreed.”

The development of the recreation masterplan is being funded through the Anglesey Coastal Environment Project, led by the County Council, which aims to develop on-shore and off-shore facilities to maximise economic benefits and impacts from the coastline of Anglesey.

Funding for the project has been secured from the European Union’s Convergence Programme – European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Welsh Assembly Government’s Môn a Menai Programme and Targeted Match Fund and Isle of Anglesey County Council.

For further information on the drop-in session, please contact the County Council’s Economic Development Unit on 01248 752435 or [email protected]


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