Coin collection stolen: Appeal for information

Police are appealing for information on two burglaries that are currently being investigated.

Two homes in Ilfracombe Crescent, Llanrumney, Cardiff, were broken into on Friday, July 10.

Both properties are a short distance apart and both were subject to damage being caused to doors to gain entry.

At the first property the following items were stolen:

Apple Mac laptop
Tag Heur chronograph watch engraved with Barbarians and MasterCard logo.
A set of ‘Three Kings’ collectable coins

Detectives are appealing for assistance in identifying three males who were seen leaving the second property.

One of them had a tattoo on the left side of his neck, under his ear, which appeared to be letters. He is described as white, 5ft 7in to 5ft 10in tall, slim, with dark short hair and aged in his mid-teens.

He was two other males.

One is described as being of mixed race appearance and 6ft 3in tall.

The other was white, slim, in his late teens with short dark hair.

Anyone with information on these individuals or the whereabouts of the stolen property is asked to contact Rumney CID on 02920 774233 or alternatively Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


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