Coleg Gwent shortlisted for green award

From recycling to using greener energy, Coleg Gwent’s staff and students have been working hard to do their bit for the environment.  Now in recognition of its efforts the College has been shortlisted for this year’s annual Green Gown Awards 2011.

The awards, organised by the Environmental Association for Universities & Colleges (EAUC), recognise the exceptional initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK to become more sustainable.

Coleg Gwent recently retained its Level 5 Green Dragon Environmental Standard – the highest Green Dragon Standard awarded for continuous environmental improvement.  Some of the Colleges green achievements over the past year include:

  • 85.7% of all waste produced by the College from August 2010 to July 2011 was recycled and prevented from being sent to land fill sites
  • 100% of all paper and cardboard disposed of via a blue bin scheme was recycled
  • 82% of all paper used by the College is recycled paper
  • 15% reduction in direct CO2 emissions
  • All campuses use low carbon electricity from eligible Good Quality Combined Heat and Power (GQCHP)
  • Developed sustainable travel group and travel plans for all campuses

A judging panel selected the Green Gown Awards shortlist from more than 240 entries across the 13 categories.  Winners from the shortlisted entries will be announced at the awards ceremony which will take place on 3 November 2011 in London.

The College has also been shortlisted in the Institute of Occupational Health & Safety (SHP IOSH) Health and Safety Awards, in the Best Achievement in Local Authority and Education category.  Winners will be announced on 20 October.


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