Community Sports Initiative to Get Youngsters Active

Cardiff Council’s Leisure Services has once again teamed up with the national StreetGames project to deliver outdoor sports sessions for kids during the summer holidays.

Following its success last year the Active StreetGames team will be providing a five week programme of summer camps in parks across the city.

The initiative provides a range of supervised activities for children aged seven to 11 at just £2 per child for each session.

StreetGames is a national youth charity which aims to introduce doorstep sport to communities across the city.

Doorstep sport aspires to tailoring sports sessions to suit the specific demands of young people and the community in which they are run.

The sessions are supported by members of the Co-operative StreetGames Young Volunteers Programme, a scheme that helps 16-25 year olds from the local area gain sports qualifications and community leadership skills whilst volunteering at the project.

Activities on offer include dodge ball, tag games, mini athletics, Ultimate Frisbee, cricket, basketball to name a few.

The programme aims to encourage young people to get active by trying new activities and having fun playing sport and games with their friends. Activities are normally chosen by the children, with consideration to age, ability and location.

In previous years the programme has been extremely popular, on average attracting between 30 and 50 children per session.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells said: “This initiative is in its fifth year and provides a fantastic outdoor sports provision for children throughout the city.

“It also brings the fantastic activities provided by our leisure centres to the wider community, and encourages young people to visit these facilities and take up sport and leisure on a permanent basis.”

To find out more about StreetGames, visit or for more information about summer holiday activities at your local leisure centre please visit

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