Connah’s Quay’s new school – Health and Safety competition takes place

Pupils at Custom House Lane School in Connah’s Quay took part in a competition recently, to design Health & Safety posters and signs to be used around the site of their school playing field, where their new school – Ysgol Cae’r Nant/ Brookfield Primary School – is currently being built.

The competition came about after Dawid Cloete, Read Construction Holding’s Site Manager, visited the pupils at Custom House Lane School, to talk to them about issues of Health and Safety. He showed them some examples of Health & Safety posters and signs, and the children then designed their own posters.

The teachers chose the competition finalists, and Dawid picked the winner – Ellie MacDonald, who was presented with a £30 cinema voucher.

Her poster, as well as those of all the finalists, is now displayed on the site fencing, and can be viewed at

Dawid said:

“I’d like to thank all the children for taking part. I was very impressed with the high standard of posters produced, which made it very difficult for me to choose a winner.

Congratulations must go to Ellie for creating such a wonderful winning entry!”

Photograph: Pictured are Dawid Cloete and Ellie, with teachers and pupils from Custom House Lane Junior School
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