Conservatives Call on Cabinet to Object Now to Turbine and Pylon Plans

On 26th January 2012, Powys County Council passed a motion calling again for a review of TAN 8. The motion gained strong support from the Councillors. During the meeting it became apparent that the Council Cabinet played an essential role in the decision making process. It is the cabinet that decides whether the Council, in its role as a key player in National Grid’s consultation process, objects to the plans. If the Council objects, there will have to be a public enquiry.

Cllr Aled Davies, Leader of the Powys Conservative group, said “We want the Cabinet of Powys County Council to state quite clearly that they will be objecting to the turbines and pylons when the Welsh Government, DECC and the IPC consider the plans, on the grounds of the environmental and economic damage that they will do to Mid Wales. We have enough information about the proposals for the Cabinet to give its view now. So just do it!

Cllr Simon Baynes said: “For the large scale wind farm and pylon projects that are decided in Westminster, the Powys County Council Cabinet has to give the view of the Council, not the Planning Committee. If the Council Cabinet objects, there is a full scale public enquiry.

Before the Council Cabinet gives its view, it must hold a debate of the Full Council so that the views of all Councillors are heard. This is vital for the people of Powys so they can see that their concerns are taken into account in a transparent and democratic manner. It will also mean Westminster cannot argue that Powys’ objections are just the views of 10 Council Cabinet members. I urge the Cabinet to agree to this immediately”.

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