Conservatives Comment on Coal Excahnge Job losses

Coal_Exchange-580Commenting on the news that 145 people have been made redundant after the Cardiff-based company Macob went into administration, William Graham AM, Shadow Minister for Business, said:

“Being made redundant is a distressing experience for any worker and their family, but I hope that support will be offered to help those affected to find new employment.

“I hope Welsh Labour Ministers will offer support to the company and its workers at this difficult time and engage in discussions about how the Coal Exchange can be secured for the nation.

“This news emphasises the fragility of the Welsh economic recovery and the need for Welsh Labour Ministers to act quickly to help the private sector grow and create new jobs.”

Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader of the Opposition, added, “The Coal Exchange is one of Wales’ most iconic buildings with strong ties to the nation’s industrial heritage as well as more recently having been used as a venue for modern music and entertainment.

“I hope that doubts over the future ownership of the Coal Exchange can be resolved swiftly and that this historic centre of Welsh trade can be fully restored to its former glory.”


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