Consultation – Draft Flintshire Play Strategy: 2010-2014

Flintshire County Council has an existing Play Strategy which has been reviewed in 2010. There have been a number of developments within the play sector over the years, covered by the earlier strategy, which are incorporated within the review.

There has been some initial consultation with interested parties via the Flintshire Strategic Play Forum and a survey of the existing equipped play areas has been undertaken.

In consequence, a draft Play Strategy has been produced and is available via the Flintshire County Council website:

The information is also available for children and young people in Flintshire via the following websites: / Their views are crucial to this process.

It is considered that these reports should now form the basis for a wider, public consultation over the next few months until the end of February, 2011, with a report back to Council members in Spring 2011.

We are seeking views on the Draft Flintshire Play Strategy, particularly in view of the new Children and Families (Wales) Measure, which will place a duty on local authorities to provide sufficient play opportunities for children and young people in their areas.

Responses can be sent online via the Flintshire County Council website

Or by post to:-

Flintshire Play Strategy Consultation
Flintshire Play Unit
County Hall
Flintshire CH7 6ND

For any further information or to receive a hard copy of the strategy please contact the Play Unit – Janet Roberts, Flintshire Play Development Officer 01352 702456; email [email protected]


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