Consultation Launched on Fast-track Degrees

Angela_BurnsWelsh Conservatives today announced plans to consult on introducing an option in Welsh universities for certain courses to be undertaken in just two years.

Welsh Conservatives will consult on retaining the same degree courses with the same content and credits but enabling students to choose whether to take a more intensive two year option.

Shorter study time could cut student debt, reduce the student loan repayment period and enable a swifter move to further study, time in industry or the world of work.

Fast-track degrees could reduce costs for students and parents and speed up the transition from learning to earning.

Angela Burns AM, Shadow Minister for Education, said, “Three years is a long time to complete a degree and to delay entering the world of work, so Welsh Conservatives will consult on introducing a fast-track option to reduce the term of study for certain courses to two years.

“Students could study exactly the same content and number of credits but over a more concentrated time period, thereby retaining the rigour in Welsh higher qualifications.

“Student debt is rising year on year and could in future become a significant barrier to higher education so cutting debt and reducing the time taken to pay the money back could make HE more accessible to people from less well-off backgrounds.

“Over the coming weeks and months Welsh Conservatives will be listening to the views of students, parents, lecturers and educational experts about whether fast-track degrees could have a role to play in Welsh higher education.

“For certain subjects, fast-track degrees could increase the appeal of higher education to potential students and especially mature students.

“This is about engaging with the HE sector to establish how a future Welsh Government can offer the support and encouragement needed to help Welsh universities compete in the global race.”


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