Consultation on Sites for New Eastern High

Cardiff Logo smallA series of meetings and drop-in sessions which are part of a public consultation on two potential sites on which to construct a new build Eastern High school, will begin this week.

At its meeting in October, Cardiff Council’s Cabinet agreed to consult on building a state of the art 11-16 school in conjunction with the construction of post 16 facilities on either of the two following sites:

• Cardiff and Vale College site located at Trowbridge Road, Rumney
• The site of the former Llanrumney High School located at Ball Road, Llanrumney

The consultation period begins on December 12 and lasts until January 22 when interested parties will have the chance to find out more about the proposed sites, air their opinions and have their views recorded as part of the consultation process.

Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Julia Magill, said: “Selecting a suitable site for the new build Eastern High is an important strand of the wider Education Improvement Partnership (EIP) which focuses on improving quality in teaching and learning as well as leadership and the quality of the learning environment for those attending the school.”

We are very interested to know the views of the public about this proposal which has been developed as a priority as part of our commitment to deliver the best educational outcomes, while ensuring the highest possible quality of school provision for children and young people.

“People will be able to ask questions and let us have their opinions during the consultation period. There are a number of ways to submit feedback so I would encourage anyone who wishes to have their say to do so.”

The two site options are the Cardiff and Vale College site on Trowbridge Road in Rumney and the site of the former Llanrumney High School on Ball Road, Llanrumney. The new school would replace the existing facilities for Eastern High, currently located on the site formerly known as Rumney High School. It is also proposed to demolish the existing Cardiff and Vale College facilities and construct new post 16 facilities to be managed by Cardiff and Vale College.

Meetings and drop-in sessions have been arranged where the proposal will be explained. These are provided so people can ask questions and make comments that will be recorded. In addition, workshop sessions will be arranged with secondary and primary age children attending English-medium community schools within the proposed catchment area of Eastern High to provide an opportunity for pupils to ask questions and learn more about the proposal and give their views.

Consultation Meeting/ Drop-in Session Dates:
Public Meeting 8 January 2014 6.30-8pm Eastern Leisure Centre
Drop in session 17 December 2013 1-3pm St Mellons Library
Drop in session 18 December 2013 2-4pm Llanrumney Library
Drop in session 19 December 2013 11-1pm Rumney Library
Drop in session 7 January 2014 5-7pm Eastern Leisure Centre
Drop in session 9 January 2014 5-7pm St Mellons Library
Drop in session 13 January 2014 5-7pm Rumney Library
Drop in session 15 January 2014 5-7pm Eastern Leisure Centre
Drop in session 17 January 2014 11-1pm Llanrumney Library
Drop in session 18 January 2014 10-1pm Eastern Leisure Centre


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