Consultation opens on a new Ceredigion Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy

Ceredigion residents are being invited to contribute their opinions on a new Ceredigion Health, Social Care and Well-being Strategy for 2011-2014. The main purpose of the Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy is to provide a single vision for all health, social care and wellbeing services in Ceredigion across the public, private and voluntary sectors. The consultation period extends to 2 March 2011.

The consultation document contains an outline of the vision and values for health, social care and well-being along with a summary of current health needs within Ceredigion. It also identifies priority outcomes and work areas to address these needs.

The Ceredigion Health, Social Care and Well-being Partnership particularly wants to find out what people think about the outcomes that have been set; what people think about the priority work areas proposed and whether residents feel any priority areas for work are missing.

The Ceredigion Health, Social Care and Well-being Strategy for 2011-2014 consultation document and feedback form may be accessed online at

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