Consumers Beware – ‘Exploding E-Cigarettes’

Electronic Cigarette

Used for illustrative purposes only

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service and Cardiff’s Regulatory Services are warning those who use E-Cigarettes not to leave these products unattended when charging.

Crews from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service have recently attended two separate fires when the batteries from the E-Cigarette have exploded, travelled up to 2 metres across the room before landing on a carpet and igniting.  Luckily the occupiers were close at hand and the fires were very small and were quickly extinguished by on site staff.

Cllr Ashley Govier, Cabinet Member for the Environment, at Cardiff Council said:

“This news is very alarming and I will be asking Trading Standards officers to investigate the products which have caused these fires to ascertain whether they meet all the required standards.”

Phil Pinches Group Manager from the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, said:

“Research has shown that a number of incidents have occurred across the UK in recent months and South Wales Fire and Rescue Service encourages users to read the advice given on the safety leaflet provided with these products to reduce the risk of this happening”.

The following advice is given to consumers:


  • Ensure that you purchase these products from a reputable source.
  • Speak to a healthcare professional about the most appropriate and effective nicotine replacement therapy to help you reduce the harm caused by smoking, including gums, patches and mouth sprays.
  • Check the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) website for the latest advice on the regulation of e-cigarettes as Nicotine Containing Products (NCPs).
  • Keep an eye on the Electronic Cigarette Trade Industry Trade Association’s website for the industry’s response to increasing MHRA regulation.
  • Contact Trading Standards if you have any doubts about the safety of e-cigarettes being sold locally.
  • Test your smoke alarm regularly.


  • Assume that E-Cigarettes are the most effective or safest way to reduce harm caused by smoking.
  • Leave items on charge unattended for long periods if at all possible
  • Do not mix components of different E-Cigarettes along with an incorrectly rated charger.
  • Only use the charger supplied – never ‘mix and match’ and never over tighten a battery onto the charger.
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