Continuing Commitment to Improving School Buildings in Wales

A third major funding package of £144.8million in new capital projects for schools across Wales was announced last week by Education Minister Leighton Andrews (pictured).

This adds to the £289.6million programme of investment that has already been announced by the Welsh Assembly Government over the last 18 months, taking the school capital investment programme up to £702.8million in total across all authorities in Wales.

A key commitment of the Welsh Assembly Government’s ‘One Wales’ agenda is to deliver schools for the 21st Century. This third wave of funding provides clear evidence of the Government’s collaboration with local government to deliver capital investment which is both strategic in nature and prioritises and targets funding where it is most needed and effective in delivering better outcomes for learners of all ages across Wales.

This very significant investment will provide authorities with the means to build new schools, improve school facilities, meet Welsh Medium provision and develop a number of purpose built Special Education Needs schools.

The £144.8 million capital investment will seek to develop flagship projects for the new 21st Century Schools Programme with innovation in areas such as sustainability, design and investment in ICT.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said: “I am absolutely delighted to welcome this investment to education. While the ConDem government at Westminster is viciously cutting school building projects across England, Welsh Labour is determined to continue investing in our schools and pupils.”


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