Conwy Council’s Customer Service Excellence

Conwy Council’s Revenues and Benefits Team has received the Customer Service Excellence Standard, in recognition of the high quality of service it offers its customers.

This standard, which replaces the Charter Mark, is the government’s new national standard for customer service excellence. It tests areas that are a priority for customers, with particular focus on delivery, timeliness, information, professionalism and staff attitude.

Conwy’s Revenue and Benefits Assessment Service is one of only a few in Wales to achieve this prestigious standard.

An independent assessor examined documentation, written evidence, visited areas of the Service and spoke to staff and Councillors.

The assessor made particular reference to four areas of ‘Compliance Plus’ for excellent service delivery and the standard was achieved with an excellent pass rate for a service attempting Customer Service Excellence Standard for the first time.

Cllr Meirion Hughes, Conwy’s Cabinet Member for Finance said, “This is a testament to the staff and the approach they have with our customers. I’d like to congratulate the staff on their success and thank them for their hard work.”

Eryl Rowlands, Head of Revenue & Benefits Assessment Services said, “We are proud to have achieved the Customer Service Excellence Standard. We have developed a culture of constant self assessment and review, and intend to improve on this standard every year.”


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