Both the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning, Cllr. Wyn Jones, and the Chief Education Officer, Mr R Geraint James, have issued the following joint statement:
“Again this year, Conwy students have performed exceptionally well in the GCSE examinations, with an overall pass rate of 98.8% comparing very favourably with the all Wales national average of 98.7%.
The LEA performance at A* – A for 2010, as demonstrated by the raw WJEC statistics, was marginally down on the very high level of performance seen during the last two years. Conwy students recorded a significant score of 66.1% for the higher grades A* – C, which again compares well with the all Wales score of 66.4%.
A more precise analysis can be completed when the results from other awarding bodies are available and when the comparative national figures are available.”
We congratulate those students who have achieved the results they have worked so hard to attain. We thank the teaching staff for providing such valuable professional support to our students.
We also acknowledge and celebrate the achievement of our students in other examinations, which include vocational courses and the Welsh Baccalaureate, although an authority analysis of these results is not yet available.”