Cor Meibion Llanelli in Netherlands

Côr Meibion Llanelli with Gemengd Koor s’Hertogenbosch (s’Hertogenbosch Mixed Choir) and soloist Llio Evans at the ‘Jheronimus Bosch Art Center’ and other venues.

Côr Meibion Llanelli, the Llanelli Male Voice Choir, took part in special concerts and services to mark the World War Two liberation of the city of s’Hertogenbosch in The Netherlands. The programme took in open air services at concerts at venues in Rosmalen and the city centre of s’Hertogenbosch. The highlight was the main veterans’ concert at the prestigious Jheronimus Bosch Art Center in s’Hertogenbosch. Surrounded by some of the famous artist’s unusual works of art, Côr Meibion Llanelli put the accent firmly on capturing the emotion of the liberation commemorations.

The real tear-jerkers proved to be Gwahoddiad, Nearer My God to Thee and Myfanwy, the last a special request for one of the guests of honour, World War Two veteran Emrys Davies of Tonyrefail. Mansions of the Lord, Pie Jesu, Sosban Fach, Anthem and When I Survey The Wondrous Cross all touched the right chord.

Côr Meibion Llanelli also joined forced with the s’Hertogenbosch Mixed Choir for a stirring World War Two Requiem. Civic leaders from s’Hertogenbosch led the services to mark the 1944 liberation of the city after a five-day battle by the 53rd Welsh Division. The chief executive of s’Hertogenbosch City Council Jan de Wit said:

“It was wonderful to welcome Côr Meibion Llanelli to take part in our services.

“The services are unique in Europe for commemorating the liberation of a city after World War Two. There is a huge bond between our city and the Welsh and it is great to see that bond continuing.

“Côr Meibion Llanelli played a great part in a very emotional open air service, which included a wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial to members of the 53rd Welsh Division who died in North Western Europe.”

Photograph: Côr Meibion Llanelli at the ‘Jheronimus Bosch Art Center in s’Hertogenbosch

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