Council Deputy Leader Urges the Welsh Government to Back USA Air Link Bid

Deputy Leader for Cardiff Council, Cllr Neil McEvoy had written to the Welsh Government calling for their help in establishing a Cardiff to USA air link.

Cllr McEvoy who is also Executive Member for Economical Development addressed his letter to Edwina Hart AM, Minister for Business, Enterprise, Science and Technology.

In the letter Cllr McEvoy stressed the importance of being connected to the global economy and emphasised how importance increased connectivity is for Welsh business.

Cllr McEvoy writes: “I believe that it is Cardiff’s role, as capital city, to connect Wales to the world.  This will be even more important with the establishment of the Central Business District (CBD).  The success of the CBD, the key project in driving economic renewal in South Wales, will depend on how connected it is. “

“The United States is by far the biggest inward investor into the Welsh economy and accounts for over 20% of all Welsh international trade.  It’s clear that we need an air link to the United States, with New York, the most populous city in the United States and global financial centre, being the obvious candidate.”

Within the letter Cllr McEvoy made reference to a feasibility studies undertaken by the Welsh Government which show that a direct flight to New York would add an estimated £1m to the Welsh economy adding “the proposed route passed the economic appraisal criteria with some ease.  I am disappointed that we in Wales did not act to support the route. “

Wales is the only home nation which doesn’t have a direct link to the USA. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland all have their own air links with the US .  Cllr McEvoy has called on the Welsh Government to lobby the UK Government to invest in a Cardiff to USA link, making reference to the UK Governments recent support for the Belfast to New York Daily Service, when they recently cut air passenger duty on the route.

Cllr McEvoy adds finally that :”Wales is a nation seeking economic renewal.  Enhancing our international connectivity will be crucial if we are to prosper in the 21st Century. The Minister needs to take the lead on this with Cardiff and get the deal done before we miss the boat.”

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