Council gritting teams going the distance

Swansea Council’s gritting teams have already travelled to the equivalent of Moscow and back to help keep people safe and moving in the freezing temperatures.

Wintery conditions over the last week mean the teams have covered the Council’s 500km gritting route 12 times since last Monday and are on standby for further gritting runs when needed.

Harsh weather last winter meant Swansea Council reviewed its winter maintenance arrangements and the Council says it’s prepared to deal with problems caused by sub-zero temperatures.

In an average year Swansea Council has a pre-season gritting salt stock of 1,500 tonnes but this year the Authority ordered 2,800 tonnes with a further 1,000 tonnes now to be delivered by the middle of December.

An additional 500 tonnes is also being made available to the Council at their supplier’s emergency stockpile for immediate delivery as required.

Swansea Council’s 500km gritting run equates to 44 per cent of Swansea’s main road network and is among the highest in Wales.

The Council is filling every grit bin on adopted highways and three gritters have been replaced to improve reliability and safety. Supplies of grit have also been delivered to schools and hospitals.

Cllr John Hague, Swansea Council Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “The freezing conditions have arrived early in the winter season this year but our preparations have meant we’re ready.

“Our gritting teams have already been doing a great job out and about on the gritting runs and they’ll continue to brave the elements and keep the city moving when they’re needed.

“We’re very well-prepared for what the weather may throw at us.”


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