Council initiative recognised for supporting people with disabilities

Monmouthshire Enterprises, a county council initiative supporting people with a range of disabilities to learn new skills, is celebrating its success in winning a prestigious award.  The Community Contribution award was presented at Abergavenny’s Business Gala evening held at the Angel Hotel last week (Friday, 7th October).

Monmouthshire Enterprises consists of three projects – Office Services and Green Fingers in Abergavenny with Swan Studio in Monmouth – that support up to 45 people each day.   75 people attend altogether with the three very different schemes using their business environments to pass on flexible work and life skills.

Office Services, Swan Studio and Green Fingers have been successful in helping students move into secure employment and provide opportunities for younger people living in local association homes to gain their first job.  The projects have also done much to support local schools provide real work experience for younger pupils.

Disability Services Manager for Monmouthshire County Council, Alan Kalawsky said: “Students and staff are proud of the award as they feel it provides recognition for the hard work of the last few years.  Promoting the different business models has had its challenges but this award has put us on the map.”

Geoff Burrows, cabinet member for Social Care, Health and Housing said: “Winning this award is a very impressive achievement and reflects the very valuable role that Monmouthshire Enterprises plays in the community.  My sincere congratulations to all who contributed to achieving this award and I extend my gratitude for the great work they continue to do”.


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