Council organises weekend of remembrance for youngsters

A weekend in late March (March 26th/27th) organised by Monmouthshire’s Youth Service (MYS) has helped youngsters come to terms with the loss of a parent or sibling.  Entitled “Remembering”, the weekend at Gilwern’s Outdoor Education Centre brought together 12 young people, bravely attending the first event of its kind in Monmouthshire.  They came from Caldicot Comprehensive, King Henry VIII and Mounton House schools.

Organised by Nikki Browne the MYS Face 2 Face Counselling Co-ordinator, a programme was devised with the help of the young people, the Youth Service and outdoor education centre staff.  Among the activities were a craft workshop with Hannie from the MYS Dreamcatcher Project, dance and filming with Becky and Brett from MYS Platform Arts plus caving and canoeing supervised by outdoor education staff.  In addition, Dawn from the MYS Get up and Grow Project helped everyone pot a plant to remember those who had died.

Saturday evening was especially poignant as the young people wrote their messages to their lost loved ones, tied them to beautiful eco-lanterns and sent them high into the clear starry night.

Youth Service counselling staff, youth workers and King Henry’s assistant headteacher kindly gave their time to attend, ensuring all were well supported.  It was a successful weekend, enjoyed and appreciated by all the young people, staff, parents, carers and guardians.  When the evaluation forms were examined all 12 youngsters said they would willingly attend again if they had the chance.

What else they said about the weekend:
“I enjoyed making new friends, because I know there’s someone else like me who understands”
“I had lots of fun, and met others like me”
“I loved being outside and holding the chickens”
“I could think about other things when I was caving”
“My best memory was letting the lanterns off with our messages”
“I loved sitting in our dorm with the others, eating and just talking”
“Watching Gareth, Tom and James falling into the canal when we canoed, I couldn’t stop laughing”


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