Council slashes Councillor Wage Bill

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council has announced changes to the Political Structure of the Authority that will result in savings of over £182,000 on the salary bill for Councillors.

The savings have been achieved by both reducing the number of Special Responsibility Allowances payable from 17 to 11, and by not implementing the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recommendations on the level of allowances that can be paid to Councillors, which Council has previously agreed to implement.

The new changes to the political structure of the Council will also bring the Council in line with the other Leader and Cabinet model Councils in Wales, and will allow for more efficient and accountable governance.

The new political structure will mirror the earlier management structure announced by the Authority that will see senior management posts reduced by over 30% over the next two years and which came into effect from April 1st. This includes the removal of two Directorships and a reduction in the number of Senior Managers from the organisations.

In announcing the changes, the Leader of the Council, Councillor Jeff Edwards, said: “Local Government is not immune to the financial crisis that has impacted on all sectors of society, and Councillors have a duty to lead by example in achieving the savings that were required to be made”.


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