Council staff take massive steps to reduce carbon footprint

Monmouthshire County Council’s Flying Start and Sure Start projects across the county are to ditch their cars for short work trips in favour of two-wheeled transport, reducing their CO2 emissions at a stroke.

The staff took the decision to go by bike not only to reduce their carbon emissions.  They also hope to become positive health living role models for the families they support.  The other benefits of this ground-breaking initiative will include a reduction of wear and tear on their own vehicles, reduced fuel costs and improved staff health and well-being.

Before taking to the roads, all staff using bikes must pass their cycling proficiency test and will call on their local Community Police Officer to security stamp their bikes.

Flying Start Manager Beth Watkins commented: “The staff have been very excited about this new way of working although the thought of taking our cycling proficiency tests again did raise a few giggles!  They are already feeling the benefits of biking instead of jumping into their cars for short journeys.  Parents are looking forward to seeing staff in their helmets and high visibility clothing.  Abergavenny has a few hills to conquer but this will have great benefits all round”.

Photograph: (l-r) Tony Fleming – Language and Play Assistant, Lisa Morris – Flying Start Community Nursery Nurse, Zoe Wildy – Family Support Advisor, Josie Williams – Mobile Crèche Leader

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