Council staff to show their support for Sport Relief

It’s that time of year again, and staff from Caerphilly County Borough Council are once again showing their support for this very worthy cause.

They did a sponsored run dressed as women last year, but this year Kieran Gingell and James Hurley from Corporate Finance are going one better! They’ll be doing an excruciating eight-hour exercise bike challenge on Friday 23rd March at the council’s headquarters Penallta House.

Comedian John Bishop managed 295 miles from Paris to London in five days as part of his triathlon challenge for Sports Relief recently… can the boys complete this distance in just ONE day??

Sporty staff will also be taking part in a Sport Relief Netball Tournament this Thursday 22nd March at St Cenydd Leisure Centre.

Last but by no means least is the Caerphilly Castle Sports Relief Mile on Sunday 25th March!

There’s still time to register to take part! Whether you enter the one mile, the three miles, or really stretch yourself and go that extra mile by taking on the 6 mile race, you will be doing your bit for a worthy cause!

And in true ‘Tortoise and the Hare’ style, the council’s resident runner Stuart Wadlow from the Facilities Management department will be taking on six of the Sport Caerphilly team in a ‘Sportoises v No Hair’ relay race over the six mile course!!

To sign up for the Sainsbury’s Sport Caerphilly Castle Mile at Caerphilly Castle, visit


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