Council to create right of way to improve access at historic site

Monmouthshire County Council is to dedicate a public right of way on land at Caerwent to secure public access from the centre of the village to the ancient southern gate. The council owns the land but intends to dispose of it.

Access to the southern gate is currently gained either permissively on the alignment of the proposed dedication or via an unofficial path crossing the village churchyard which is restricted by an ancient stone stile. The proposed alternative will be largely barrier-free and will allow wheelchair access.

Monmouthshire’s Cabinet Member for Modernisation, Enterprise & Communications, County Councillor Bob Greenland said: “The dedication of a new right of way will secure public access within this historic site. The alternative footpath is already in place so no extra cost will be incurred by the county council.”

This article refers to an individual cabinet member decision made on Wednesday 9th January and will be subject to call-in until Friday 18th January

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