Council to take evidence on town’s market

Monmouthshire County Council is to take evidence from interested parties on the future location of Monmouth’s market.  Previously held in Agincourt Square, the market was relocated to the town’s Cattle Market car park in 2008 to allow for the Shire Hall refurbishment.

The council’s Deputy Chief Executive, Moyna Wilkinson and Chief Officer for Regeneration and Culture, Kellie Beirne attended a meeting of the town council’s finance committee.  They said that they were trying to take account of the range of views and opinions.  A review of all of the markets in Monmouthshire was reaching its conclusion but they wanted to offer a specific opportunity for individuals or groups with an interest in the market in Monmouth, be they market traders, people of the town or local businesses, to put forward evidence for their preferred location.

An evidence gathering day has been scheduled for Monday May 9th at a venue in the town likely to be the Shire Hall.  Mark Gardner, the chief executive of local housing association Melin Homes and independent from the council will hear the evidence and will then compile his findings for a report to the county council.  An on-line survey will complement the evidence gathered to ensure that all those interested have the opportunity to express opinions.

The decision on the market’s future will also be influenced by the business plan for Shire Hall due to be presented to the council’s cabinet in June.

Arrangements for presenting and gathering evidence on May 9th will be announced shortly.
Moyna Wilkinson Deputy Chief Executive said: “While we understand that some traders want the market to move back to Shire Hall, we are also aware that some don’t.”

Kellie Beirne Chief Officer for Regeneration and Culture added: “We realise that we have to make a final decision and expect to do so once we have the information from the review.  We want Monmouth to have a successful market which attracts people to the town and helps the local economy.”


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