Councillor Condems Ltter Dumpers

Plaid councillor Don Cullen and party colleague Elizabeth Holland have condemned fly tippers after completing a major litter-pick in the Ynysddu ward.

They spent three hours clearing up Pontgam Lane, Ynysddu, and are due to return to the same spot to complete the clean-up.

Don Cullen said:  “Elizabeth and I found at least a dozen car tyres, numerous bags of household waste, drink bottles, cans, plastic oil containers, oil drums, clothes, shoes, garden and pet waste, kitchen units, doors and frames.

“But perhaps worst of all, bags containing wall plaster, concrete, tiles and other waste from a house renovation.  It took the two of us more than three hours to drag all this on to the road for Caerphilly council to pick up.  We are due to return to the same area shortly to complete the clean up.”

Don added: “Elizabeth and I realise that the ultimate responsibility for this type of fly tipping lies with the individual but what I cannot come to grips with is the insensitivity of these individuals.  They cannot have any civic or community pride and I despair every time I see this type of criminal activity.

“I’d love to meet someone who thinks it their right to despoil their home environment with little thought given to the rest of us who daily have to live with their thoughtlessness and have them explain their actions.  It is so difficult to catch these people and, therefore, bring a prosecution.  After years of picking litter in my area, I would have no hesitation bringing a prosecution if I could only catch the culprits.”

Don has written to his local Assembly Member, Caerphilly council Cabinet member for the Environment, and Assembly Cabinet member for the Environment raising concerns about the issue.


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