Councillors reveal alcohol misuse is a hidden problem in Monmouthshire

The extent of alcohol misuse in rural Monmouthshire is comparable with that of neighbouring towns and cities, an influential committee of Monmouthshire councillors has found.  They will present their report and recommendations to the council’s cabinet this week (Wednesday 16th March, 2pm).

The Strong Communities Select Committee investigated alcohol misuse in Monmouthshire.  They examined both the causes and the consequences of excessive drinking and are recommending key actions to address the problem locally.  Councillors discovered that alcohol misuse in Monmouthshire is not confined to younger age groups and that there can be virtually no indication how many people are drinking excessively.  The councillors are concerned that domestic drinking in particular could be a huge “hidden problem” in the county.

The Chair of the Strong Communities Select Committee, Councillor Ann Webb stated: “Our scrutiny inquiry has shown we are not immune to alcohol misuse in Monmouthshire or its effects on society and that many people who have a drinking problem will not be on the radar of any public service provider.  I would like to thank those who submitted evidence to our inquiry and I hope that by scrutinising alcohol misuse in Monmouthshire, the committee will have assisted key actions to be taken forward to address it”.

Scrutiny members argue the council, the National Health Service and other public service providers need to work closely to identify those who need treatment for an alcohol problem and to signpost them to support services.  The report also recommends the council and its partners prioritise alcohol misuse and work with the police to curb anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related crime.

The council’s cabinet will receive the Strong Communities Select Committee report at their meeting on Wednesday 16th March (2pm, County Hall) and will respond to the scrutiny councillors as to how their recommendations may be taken forward in due course.

The report can be found on the Council’s Website:

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