Councils a step closer to an integrated highways and infrastructure service

Plans by Conwy County Borough Council and Denbighshire County Council to having a fully integrated Highways and Infrastructure Service have moved a step closer.

In 2008, the neighbouring councils took a decision to collaborate on the management of Highways and Infrastructure services.  This collaboration initiative received financial support from the Welsh Assembly Government’s ‘Making the Connections’ grant, which was used to help recruit a Joint Head of Service and provide financial and project support for the collaboration.  Stuart Davies, the Joint Head of Service was appointed and took up his post at the end of January 2009.

Some sections within the service are already fully integrated, such as street lighting and passenger transport.  As a result, service delivery has improved and savings in the region of £300,000 have been achieved.

The Conwy and Denbighshire Collaboration Board has agreed to increase the pace of the collaboration and to move towards a fully integrated Highways and Infrastructure Service for both councils.

The next steps will include consultation with managers, staff and Unions; researching the different models of integration; identifying the costs and benefits and developing an appropriate accommodation and location strategy.

The proposals on developing an integrated Highways and Infrastructure Service will be submitted to Conwy and Denbighshire Councils by October 2011 for a formal decision in January 2012.

Councillor Dilwyn Roberts, Leader, Conwy County Borough Council said, “By working together we aim to ensure that our services are ready and able to move forward in challenging times. We’re keen to build on the excellent work that has already been carried out and this is the next step in our efforts towards a fully integrated service between the two councils.”

Councillor Hugh Evans, Leader of Denbighshire, said: “The Assembly Government has highlighted the need for councils to collaborate as a means of providing better services to residents through sharing resources and reducing costs.  Both Councils have shown a commitment to working together in a number of areas of work and this high profile collaboration project is at the forefront of our efforts to realise our joint working ambition.”


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