Council’s ‘lollicam’ pilot is a success

Flintshire County Council’s road safety team is getting the message out that the Council’s ‘lollicam’ is still out and about – and that its presence is working, with no incidents of bad driving outside the school gates reported since the pilot project began last September.

The ‘lollicam’ is the camera pole being used by school crossing patrols across the county who are taking part in the pilot scheme, which aims to reduce incidents of drivers ‘failing to stop’. The camera pole is being trialled so that if there are unwanted and unnecessary incidents at Flintshire approved school crossing patrol sites, they will be caught on film.

The aim is to make the journey to and from school safer for all pedestrians.

All school crossing patrols receive appropriate training prior to using the new equipment. When the pole is vertical and upright, that means it’s recording.

The video information gathered may be used as evidence in court should a motorist fail to stop at a school crossing patrol point. To date no motorists have been reported or prosecuted for ‘failing to stop’ for a school crossing patrol.

Councillor Tony Sharps, Executive Member for Environment, said:

“It’s excellent news that at long last the drivers are having respect for the school crossing patrols, who do an excellent job for the benefit of our children.

“The presence of the ‘lollicam’ is proving to be a very successful deterrent and appropriate publicity can only increase awareness amongst motorists. We’re getting the message out there that we won’t tolerate bad driving outside our schools.”

The camera pole is passed around Flintshire’s school crossing patrol sites and stays at each location for an average of three weeks.

The Council’s Road Safety Unit is always seeking new recruits to the school crossing patrol service. For further information, please contact the Unit on 01352 704497.


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