Couple Fined for Noise Nuisance

On Thursday 1 December at Cardiff Magistrates’ Court, a Riverside couple were convicted of breaching a Noise Abatement Notice under Section 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. In addition, a forfeiture order was granted on ten seized items, including an amplifier, microphone and several speakers.

Rosemary Chung and Michael Davies of Edinburgh Court, Riverside pleaded guilty and were fined £200 each. Both were also ordered to pay costs of £150 each.

A Council spokesman: “The fines that the defendants have to pay reflect the deliberate and repeated nature of the disturbances they caused their neighbours. Cardiff Council’s environmental health officers take noise nuisance extremely seriously especially when it is persistent and affects the health of those living nearby. I hope that both this case shows that such unreasonable behaviour will not be tolerated”

While the defendants in this case were convicted of deliberately causing distress to their neighbours, Cardiff Council suggests that on most occasions people may not be aware that they are causing a problem. In such instances, talking to your neighbours in a calm and reasonable manner may resolve the issue. If you do not believe your neighbour is going to act to improve the situation, the council can raise the matter with your neighbour.

If the neighbour does not stop causing a nuisance and evidence of the nuisance can be obtained, then the council can take action against the person in the Magistrates’ Court. If found guilty, fines up to £5,000 can be imposed and items causing the disturbance can be seized.

If you are disturbed by noise please ring Pollution Control on (029) 2087 1650

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