Creative Play Scheme a great success

Following the success of Gwynedd Council’s Creative Play Scheme over the summer, the scheme is being run yet again during this period leading up to Christmas.

The scheme has achieved its purpose again this year by offering opportunities for patients, their friends and families to participate in creative and play activities as a means of expression, play, education and distraction, during their hospital stay.

Over the summer, a total of 10 full days of activities were staged by artists working with a total of 89 children. Three different artists were chosen to deliver the creative play activities; Annwen Burgess, Nerys Jones and Mari Elain Gwent.

Annwen Burgess prepared a variety of art activities for the patients which included puppet making, fishing games, mask making and fridge magnets. Mari Gwent created a ‘card tree’ to display their ‘get well soon’ cards and also mobiles to hang at the patients bedsides. Nerys Jones also prepared a range of activities, including; stitching, picture making, willow sculpture, creating paper and cardboard lollipops and cakes, and flag making.

Gwawr Wyn Roberts, Gwynedd Council Community Arts Development Officer said:

“The project was a great success again this year at the Children Unit. It was popular, very positive and of benefit to everyone involved. The children were fully engaged during the sessions; they were having fun, and often received new, valuable and exciting experiences at a time when they were feeling vulnerable and worried in a strange environment.

“This continues to show the benefits of using the arts in health care and particularly the important role the arts has in relation to play activities. I would like to thank the families for taking part and supporting the scheme.”

The project is funded by Gwynedd Council’s Summer Play Scheme Families First Fund, and run by Gwynedd Council’s Community Arts Service and The Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Arts in Health & Wellbeing Programme.

Six art and craft session are being held during December at the Children Unit Gwynedd Hospital, Bangor providing a range of creative play activities which have a Christmas feel for the children and their families.

For more information visit the website or call 01286 679721 or e-mail [email protected]. Sessions are free.

Photograph: Children that took part in the scheme over the summer

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