Crime in South Wales Still as Low as 25 Years Ago

Crime in South Wales has retained a 25 year low, with less than 100,000 offences recorded again in the 12 month period up to September 2010.

Home Office crime figures published last October revealed that crime had dropped to the low level of 25 years ago with less than 100,000 offences recorded, and this performance has continued into the next quarter.

Crime figures (for 2009 / 2010) released by the Home Office today reveal that crime overall in the South Wales Police area has fallen by 11.7% compared to the previous 12 month period (2008 / 2009).

This is equivalent to 36 less victims of crime per day, placing the Force as the 9th most improved in Wales and England for reducing crime.

The figures show that there were 13,003 fewer victims of crime overall, with notable reductions in key areas such as burglary and vehicle crime.

The biggest drop was in robbery with South Wales Police the 2nd most improved force after offences fell by 27.3%.

Vehicle crime also dropped by 23.2%, equating to 3549 less victims of crime overall, meaning there were 10 less victims per day.

The number of stolen vehicles across South Wales dropped by 22.7%, with the number of thefts from vehicles reducing by 23.3%.

There was also a significant reduction in the number of homes burgled with the force the 11th most improved, with 685 fewer break-ins, a reduction of 12.8%.

Criminal damage has dropped by over 21%, with 5439 fewer offences resulting in 15 less victims of crime per day.

Violence against the person has reduced by 6.7% with 4 fewer victims per day.

The figures also reveal that South Wales had the second lowest level of sexual offences in England and Wales, based on per 1000 in the population.

South Wales Police are in the top 10 most improved forces in England and Wales for 7 out of the 11 categories, and are the most improved Welsh force for 5 out of the 11 crime categories.

Force detection rates also continue to increase and are up to 31.4%.

Deputy Chief Constable Colette Paul said:

“We are incredibly proud of the performance of our staff outlined today and pleased to see that crime across South Wales continues to fall.

South Wales Police is very much a family who operate with a common goal to cut crime , catch criminals, and improve the quality of life for our communities to keep South Wales safe, and these figures show staff embrace their duties with dedication and professionalism.

“Along with our police service colleagues across the UK, we are facing a challenging period brought about by the reduction in budget for the next four years.

“Despite these challenges, working to make our communities safer will remain very much at the top of our agenda.

“With over 13,000 less victims of crime and offences reduced by 11.7%, South Wales Police has been placed as the 9th most improved force from the 43 throughout Wales and England.

“Through our efficiency scheme we continue to work together to reform our organisation so that it is even fitter for purpose, with the needs of the public firmly positioned at the centre of all decisions we make.”

South Wales has also seen a 14,453 reduction in reported anti-social behaviour in the same period, which equates to 40 less reported incidents per day.

DCC Paul added:

“Over recent years we have made a concerted effort to adapt our policing style so that we are listening to your views and tackling the issues that matter to you most.

“This won’t change, with tackling antisocial behaviour still a top priority for the Force.

“Victim satisfaction in South Wales also continues to improve, with 7 out of 8 victims in our communities saying they are satisfied with their experience.

“We would always encourage the public to talk to us – contact your local neighbourhood officer, go to your local PACT meeting, contact us online and please continue to report crime so that we can carry on making a difference.”

Recorded Crime Figures Summary (and South Wales ranking in brackets amongst 43 other forces):

  • Recorded crime down 11.7% in South Wales (9th most improved)
  • Robbery down 27.3% in South Wales (2nd most improved)
  • Dwelling burglary down 12.8% in South Wales (11th most improved)
  • Vehicle crime down 23.2% in South Wales (7th most improved)
  • Criminal damage down 21% in South Wales (10th most improved)
  • Violence against the person down 6.7% in South Wales (17th most improved)

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