Pupils from Crumlin HL school
Crumlin High Level Primary school has been classified by ESTYN as a “Good” school in a recent inspection. The school is really pleased to share the positive comments received from the school inspectors.
The Inspectors found that pupils had very positive attitudes and engage well with learning throughout the school. Pupils behaviour in and around the school was found to be very good. The pupils are polite and courteous to each other and those around them. Older pupils show a caring attitude to the younger ones and look after them on the playground.
They also stated that the teaching and learning provided is ‘Good’ within the school. Teachers throughout the school plan engaging and stimulating lessons that motivate the pupils. Relationships between teachers and pupils are warm and collaborative and mutually respectful therefore creating a productive working atmosphere in almost every lesson.
The Inspectors recognised that the school maintains positive relationships with most parents through regular consultation meetings, celebrations and briefings about new approaches to learning. Parents value the prompt availability of staff to discuss any concerns.
Cathy Mansell, Head Teacher at Crumlin High Level School said, “The board of governors are delighted with the report because it reflects the breadth, depth and quality of education provided at the school. I’d like to congratulate the efforts and dedication of everyone involved in the school.”
Cllr. Rhianon Passmore, Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Leisure said, “It’s great to see that the hard work and dedication of the staff, teachers and pupils at this school has been officially recognised by ESTYN. I’d like to congratulate everyone who has been involved in this impressive classification.”