Cuthbert: Boost for Jobs, Schools and Hospitals in Caerphilly

Improving public services and creating jobs in Caerphilly is at the heart of the Welsh Labour Government’s spending plans, Labour AM Jeff Cuthbert has said.

Jeff Cuthbert today welcomed the Welsh Labour Government’s spending plans as Finance Minister Jane Hutt unveiled her draft budget.

Key measures in the Budget include:

An extra £288 million to be invested into the NHS in Wales over the next three years.

£75 million invested over the next three years in the Jobs Growth Wales scheme to help 4,000 young people every year through tailored training and employment opportunities.

Additional investment to recruit 500 new Police Community Support Officers across Wales.
An extra £27 million for schools in 2014/15.

£55 million to extend the successful Flying Start scheme which will help an additional 18,000 children.

Cuthbert said: “Unlike the Tory-led Westminster Government, we won’t accept another lost generation of young people. By setting up the Jobs Growth Wales scheme thousands more will be better prepared for employment.

“The extra money for schools and hospitals is extremely welcome at a time when the economic climate is precarious.

“We promised more Policy Community support Officers on our streets and now we will deliver them.”

Welsh Labour’s Finance Minister Jane Hutt said:  “Our vision for Wales is for a more prosperous economy with better, more efficient public services that equip people to fulfil their potential and maximise their contribution to society and the economy.


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