Cuthbert: Join WWF’s Earth Hour this Saturday

WWF Cymru is encouraging people to join in this year’s Earth Hour at 8:30PM this Saturday 31 March which is a global event in which people around the world switch out their lights to show they care about the planet. The WWF are putting a new spin on the event and urging those participating to hold candlelit dinners. Welsh celebrity chef Bryn Williams has created special eco-friendly recipes and these can be found via the WWF Cymru website:

The Labour Welsh Governments Climate Change Strategy confirms the commitment for delivering reduced emissions by 3% per year from 2011 in areas of devolved competence, against a baseline of average emissions between 2006 and 2010, for an overall cut to Welsh greenhouse gas emissions of 40% by 2020

Jeff Cuthbert AM said:

‘I have been participating in Earth Hour for many years now. As well as supporting this, I’ll continue to do what I can to tackle climate change and support measures to ensure a healthy environment. I’m fully signed up to WWF’s Earth Hour message – ‘Our world is brilliant, let’s keep it that way’.

‘I hope you’ll join me, along with famous landmarks such as the Millennium Stadium, Caernarfon Castle and the National Library in Aberystwyth, in Earth Hour 2012 and switch out your lights.

Photograph: Jeff at the reception WWF held at the Senedd on Tuesday 27 March
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