Cuthbert: Labour Delivers on Promise of More CSOs

Ten new Community Support Officers (CSOs) are set to be deployed across Caerphilly County Borough thanks to the Welsh Labour Government’s election pledge to deliver an additional 500 CSOs across Wales, according to new figures.

At last year’s Assembly election, Welsh Labour pledged to fund 500 CSOs across Wales by September 2013. As of April 1st, the first tranche of 165 officers will either be deployed or in training.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said:

“These ten extra Community Support Officers will be a welcome addition to the local community and will help tackle anti-social behaviour, related criminal activity and domestic violence.

“At a time when the Gwent police funding has been viciously slashed by the Tory-led Westminster Government, the Community Support Officers have been welcomed as a valuable additional resource by the Chief Constable of the Gwent Police.”

Welsh Labour’s Minister for Local Government and Communities Carl Sargeant said:

“These CSOs are not a replacement for warranted police officers. They will be a valuable and visible addition for existing police resources, engaging with local residents and community organisations and providing support and reassurance.

“I have already met some of the first recruits and have been impressed with their commitment and enthusiasm. I look forward to meeting others across Wales as they undertake their training and start work within their communities.”

In the Gwent police area to date 40 recruits have been trained and deployed with a total of 101 full time equivalent PCSO’s allocated to the area. 146 full and part time officers will be in post by the end of July 2012.

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