Dangers of Excessive Night-Time Speeds

Photo1A serious collision will occur at night on roads in Wales unless motorists keep to speed limits, experts at GoSafe warned today.

GoSafe, which is responsible for static and mobile speed camera enforcement in Wales, has expressed concerns about the excessive speeds being driven at night by motorists to slow down and drive at a safe speed within the legal limit for their own and other people’s safety. Figures show that the majority of the motorists caught speeding was between the ages of 17-25.

During a period of night-time enforcement during 3rd February – 9th February 2014 some motorists were recorded driving at more than double the legal speed limit. In Bretton, North Wales 14 offences were recorded with a motorist reaching 70mph in a 40mph zone. In Rhydargaeau, Dyfed Powys 20 motorists were recorded exceeding the speed limit with a top speed of 56mph in a 30mph zone.

Chris Hume, Partnership Manager, GoSafe, emphasised that night-time mobile camera enforcement is vital in reducing deaths and serious injuries on our roads.

“Some Young Drivers believe that it is safe to drive fast at night and that enforcement does not take place, but this is not true. Motorists need to be more observant when it’s dark not just for their own safety but to protect other road users.   They need to be more aware of pedestrians crossing the road at night, particularly those leaving pubs and clubs who are possibly under the influence of alcohol or may be dressed in dark clothing,” he said.

“While the number of offences recorded over this period was significantly lower than figures for night-time enforcement undertaken in previous months, we are appealing to all motorists to adhere to the relevant speed limits at all times. We are not trying to catch motorists out but attempting to reduce road traffic accidents and collisions”

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