Darren Millar pledges support for autism

Darren Millar has signed the National Autistic Society Cymru’s (NAS Cymru) candidate’s pledge ahead of the National Assembly for Wales election in May.

Darren signed the pledge at the Conservative Party Spring Forum in Cardiff, where he also met with NAS Cymru’s Policy and Public Affairs Officer, Rebecca Evans, to discuss how services for people affected by autism in Wales can be improved.

Autism has never been higher on the political agenda in Wales.  In 2008, the Welsh Assembly Government launched its Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Strategic Action Plan, which outlined how the Welsh Assembly Government and local agencies would seek to meet the needs of people with autism and their families.  This ground-breaking strategy received cross-party support.

However, many people affected by autism still go without the basic help they need, whether this is help in school, from social services, or getting the benefits they are entitled to.  A research report launched by NAS Cymru in January reveals that many people affected by autism in Wales, including 54% of adults with the condition, say that their needs are still  not being met*.

Darren said:

“Autism is much more common than most people think.  It affects 1 in 100 people – that’s over 200 people in Conwy and Denbighshire.  Despite this, much misunderstanding still surrounds the condition, and many still go without the help they need, leaving them isolated and unable to participate in society.  If re-elected to the National Assembly for Wales on May 5th, I have pledged to stand up for people with autism, their families, and the thousands of professionals who work with them every day.”

Rebecca Evans, NAS Cymru Policy and Public Affairs Officer added:

“The last Assembly term has brought many positive developments for people affected by autism, such as the introduction of the ASD Strategic Action Plan, an increased focus on autism in areas such as health, social care, and education, and a greater awareness of the condition among our elected representatives.  We are very pleased that candidates are signing up to our pledge, and look forward to working with many of them in the next Assembly.”

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